Tuesday, March 17, 2015

39 - Amityville 3 (Amityville 3D)

    A skeptic buys the Amityville house, and weird stuff starts happening to him and his family.
    This installment was shot in 3-D, and it shaped the entire movie.  There are odd shots tossed in throughout the picture, some of them blatant, like objects pointing at the screen and held there for a few extra moments.  The weirdest ones involve a fly that is clearly an effect.  The funniest one has a very slow-moving frisbee being thrown toward the camera.
    The story is slow and plodding, and seems even less focused than the other Amityville movies I’ve seen.  The house doesn’t seem exactly evil or anything, and the amount of action that takes place outside the house makes things even more aimless.  One of the points of a haunted house story is that the house itself is the villain.  In this movie, it seems like the house isn’t actually evil, it’s an evil fly.  Yes, an evil fly.
    The movie culminates in a fantastic sequence where the house falls down and blows up.  In the meantime, stuff is getting blown around, and people are jumping out of the way of couches and other furniture.  It’s all strangely hilarious, like it takes itself too seriously. 

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