Sunday, March 8, 2015

16 - Good People

    A blue-collar couple finds a stash of stolen money.  They decide to keep it, dealing with the police, drug dealers, etc.
     When I first started watching this, I didn't know what to expect.  I saw that James Franco is in it, and I've been pretty pleased with most of his career.  It's a surprisingly dull movie, and the biggest mystery about it is why Franco was involved in it.
     It's not a big-budget production.  This wasn't a big payday for him.  It's not well-written.  This wasn't something where the story or writing was so interesting that he couldn't stay away.  The story isn't unique.  It's been done before, and it's been done far better.  (Notably with Shallow Grave)
     The only thing that seems like it may have been interesting to Franco is that it's a character unlike most of the ones he's played.  He's a blue-collar contractor.  He's not especially funny or charismatic.  It's different, but not remarkable.
     About 3/4 of the movie is really dull.  The last act gets a little fun near the end, as the couple lays a trap for their opposition.
     There's one element that bothered me quite a bit.  At the beginning, the couple is on the verge of losing the house they're living in.  At the same time, they're completely fixated on having a baby.  The stolen money allows them to continue living in this house.  Then, going into the big finish, it's revealed that they actually own another house.  It's a big one that he was intending to fix up.  So here we have two big problems.  They're paying for two houses for no good reason.  Second, they're consumed with the idea of having a baby that they won't be able to afford.  These aren't things that make me like the couple.

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