Monday, March 9, 2015

28 - Return to Sleepaway Camp

     Camp Manabe is haunted by a mysterious slasher who is picking off various campers and staff.
     I watched this years ago, and I remembered liking it.  This time through, I was a little more aware of how much they just love the original movies.  They try to recapture some of the same half-written half-improvised feel of some of the cheap horror movies of the 80s.  The characters are ridiculously cruel to each other.
     The biggest dividing point is what seems to be the main character, Alan.  He's a slob, he's whiny, cruel, but he also has a soft side, in that he just wants to be liked.  But he doesn't know how to be a nice person.  Some people seem to view him as completely unsympathetic, other people seem to view him as a misunderstood soul.  They're both right.  I think he's actually the most interesting element of the movie.  This is also why the movie doesn't work right.  Alan is the primary focus for the first two acts.  Then he mostly disappears during the third.  By shifting the focus from him, it suddenly feels like the movie lost direction.
      This is still a smarter movie, and more successfully tongue-in-cheek than the second and third Sleepaway Camp movies.

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