Friday, June 6, 2014

97 - Joy Ride 3

    Evil trucker Rusty Nail stalks and kills a group of people making their way to a car race.
    Sigh.  I normally like these movies.  I typically thrive on these cheap franchise movies.  But for some reason, I’m bored with this.  As I was watching, I was curious if it was a Canadian production, because of a handful of Canada references.  I looked up the director.  I found that he was involved in Wrong Turn 4 and Wrong Turn 5.  This explains a lot.
    I finished a second script awhile back, and I used a fairly evil character.  But I attempted to make him realistically evil.  When I watch this, I don’t mind some of the superior things that Rusty Nail is able to do, but I do mind that he seems able to anticipate every character’s actions.  I know that the audience is supposed to be focusing on the hero being able to outsmart and defeat the villain, but somehow, it just doesn’t feel like that’s possible.
    Maybe the problem is a lack of being able to identify with, or even care about the good guys.
    Ignoring this stuff, the movie is still pretty dull.  The opening scene is a bit stronger, reminding me a little of Rob Zombie’s stuff.  After that, it just tapers off.  The big finish ending seemed especially boring, and really disappointing.  If I don’t feel like there’s any chance that the villain was defeated, how can the hero be so dumb?
    Notable problem - there are a few cops in the movie.  Both of the primary cops act like complete jerks.  They curse an inordinate amount for the situations they’re in.

     A weird little thing about the cover for this.  The implication is that the subtitle is "Roadkill"  But IMDB doesn't say that it is.  I found a few other variant titles online, since there was some kind of contest about the cover art.

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