Tuesday, February 25, 2014

42 - North by Northwest

    A case of mistaken identity leads an advertising man to be framed as an undercover FBI agent, then as the murderer of a UN ambassador.
    I'm not sure what brought it out, but I wanted to show this to Cathy.
    This time through, I paid a little more attention to the script than the direction.  The script is a bit mixed, at least by my standards.  The lead comes across as a fun, witty guy.  If he switched up between being more normal and being witty, I probably would have felt like this was a bad idea, but they establish early on that he has an ability to be funny, and they maintain that through most of his scenes.
    The part that felt a little more fake was the Professor, the FBI organizer.  The first scene we have with him, he offers these explanations that give far too much exposition in a way that feels forced.  This makes me wonder if the story would be more effective if we learned later that the agent he's been mistaken for is fake.  If that were revealed at the same time as he learns, that might be a much more potent method.
    I have one main problem with the movie, and it's that it feels padded.  It moves along nicely, and it plays great for a first viewing, but I think it might be more rewarding for repeat viewings with some tighter editing.

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