Wednesday, February 5, 2014

28 - The Monkey's Paw

    A modestly down-on-his-luck warehouse worker acquires a monkey's paw that grants wishes.  His wishes result in a dead friend being returned to life, and turning into a killer.
    This was a made-for-cable movie.  I don't think I can expect much of it.  It's passable, as far as non-theatrical horror goes.  It's competently made.  It's not much of a script though.
    It's a strange story, because it seems to treat the paw as something else - almost irrelevant.  Most of the movie is taken up with a guy killing a bunch of other characters.  It's hard to feel like that's the paw's doing, even if they try to tie the ideas together.  The result is that this feels like a script of one type, adapted to force in the other element.  My intuition says that this probably started as a slasher about an estranged father losing his mind and wanting to reclaim his family, but then the monkey's paw was inserted.
    I can't point to anything particularly likable in the movie.  The performances are acceptable, given the material.

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