Sunday, February 23, 2014

40 - Transporter 2

    The transporter finds himself trying to protect and save a young boy who has been kidnapped by a villain intent on infecting large number of people with a virus.
    It's not as fun as the first movie.  There was a bit more soul to the first one, with the action ramping up a little more gradually.  With this one, it jumps straight into wild territory, using a female henchman who is just… way over the top.
    To be fair, there was a certain amount of material that was good.  Some of the action sequences were good.  The opening scene was fun.  Even though this has a denser plot than the first one, I felt like it was mostly irrelevant.  The movie is an action-scene delivery system, and the plot seemed superfluous.
    The longer the movie went on, the more I thought that it was an attempt to make another Crank movie.  Kind of a disappointment.

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