Sunday, March 31, 2013

42 - Wrath of the Titans

    Hades and Ares betray Zeus and Poseidon, in an effort to bring Kronos back to life.  Perseus gets involved in the effort to rescue Zeus, and in the efforts to defeat Kronos.
    I didn't think much of the Clash of the Titans remake.  I've liked the original for quite some time, but there's something wrong with these new ones.  They lost a lot of the flavor of the original.  There was a sense of wonderment, and of epic adventure.  Now, it just seems like an action-movie delivery system.  Despite that criticism, these are fairly fun to look at.  It's just hard to actually care about them.
    The broader plot of these movies - the idea that the Gods are in decline because they are no longer being worshiped as they once were - is actually an interesting idea.  This could bring about some more interesting ideas about what it means to be a God.  Or what it means to be a hero.  Or what it is to be mythical.  But none of this is addressed.  I don't think it matters too much, since it's so hard to stir up any strong feelings about this.
    There are a few things that I like.  Many of the creature designs are very neat, particularly the Makhai.  They're warriors that have one set of legs, but they split at the torso into two bodies, so they don't have an obvious weak point.  I didn't care much for the minotaur, which reminded me a whole lot of Darkness from Legend.  Kronos is hard to care about.  He's a giant lava being.

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