Wednesday, March 6, 2013

32 - The Master

    An alcoholic veteran runs into the charismatic leader of a vaguely cult-like philosophy called The Cause.  Their relationship is framed through a series of events.
    Another movie that defies synopsis, since it primarily uses strange non-events to allow for an exploration of the relationship between two characters.  What's even more frustrating is how vague the movie is about their relationship.  Nothing is made very clear.
    I love Paul Thomas Anderson's movies.  He's got an amazing ear for dialogue, a fantastic visual flair, and he manages to not be predictable.  Only predictably great.  When I first saw Punch Drunk Love, I was a bit disappointed.  On revisiting that, I found that I liked it much more.  When I first saw There Will Be Blood, I was similarly disappointed.  On rewatching it, I liked it a lot more.  This makes me hesitant to form any solid opinions of The Master.
    It's shot wonderfully.  And the atmosphere is remarkable.  The script has some scenes that I found incredible.  Nevertheless, I still felt lost.  I didn't come out of it feeling like there was a meaning, or even some kind of idea that was being expressed.  There are a few thoughts that seem disorganized, or scattered, but they are hard to pin down.
    This unfocused exploration of the two characters means that I found myself a bit fascinated, a bit bored, and I ended the movie being a little paralyzed by it.  I'm unsure of what I saw.  This may have insinuated itself into my dreams.  I remember that I had some bizarre dreams after I finished this, but I wasn't able to remember anything about them.

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