Saturday, August 15, 2015

120 - Welcome to Me

    A woman with some personality disorder issues wins the lottery, and uses those winnings to produce a live talk show starring herself.
    I heard a review of this movie on the Movie Date podcast, and it was mildly interesting.  Netflix picked the movie up, and I decided to give it a try.
    It’s great.  It’s strange, and it’s not entirely predictable.  But it’s sort of beautiful.  The main character describes herself as being diagnosed as borderline personality disorder.  After reading about that, I don’t think she quite fits into that.  She has a variety of compulsive traits, but she doesn’t seem especially angry, except about things that seem reasonable to be angry about.  She’s impulsive in her relationships.
    What is much more compelling is the strange way that she manages to have short episodes of her life re-enacted on her show.  As hokey as the acting is, her reaction to these events shows a level of emotion that is hard to ignore.  It gets easier and easier to feel like she’s a really good person, she just doesn’t have it all together.
    There are comedic elements, but I don’t think I ever felt like it was intended to be a straight comedy.
     (According to some discussion on IMDB, this is actually a pretty good portrayal of borderline personality disorder.)

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