Thursday, December 11, 2014

215 - Sharknado 2: The Second One

    A second sharknado forms, hitting New York.  The hero of the first movie returns to defuse the situation.
    I haven’t seen the first one.  I intended to, but I couldn’t do it.  I heard a review of the second one, and it was resoundingly positive.  They liked it more than the first.
    It’s hard to write anything about this movie.  It’s absurd, but it doesn’t try to be anything that it doesn’t tell you upfront.  The writing is silly and the story is ridiculous.  But what would be expected?
    There are cameos all over the place, and that’s kind of enjoyable.  Some of the set pieces are kind of neat.
    There’s only one way to accurately measure how good a movie of this type is.  How well did it keep me engaged?  On that kind of scale, I’d say it was probably about a 6 or a 7.  Whenever the story tried to incorporate human elements, I just didn’t care that much.

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