Tuesday, December 2, 2014

208 - Neon Maniacs

    A variety of creatures from under a bridge come out at night and kill teens.
    For a cheap 80’s horror movie, this is at least unique.  It’s strange, it’s low-budget, but it still gives the audience what it expects.
    The creatures are strange, and they don’t exactly stand up to scrutiny.  Why is one an army guy?  Why is there a samurai one?  Even weirder, why are they destroyed by water?  Wouldn’t the process of killing humans put them at risk?
    There are great 80’s cliches sprinkled throughout.  Ridiculous clothes and hairstyles, fantastically silly credits music, a battle of the bands that uses some great terrible 80’s pop.  This keeps things more entertaining than they would be otherwise.
    The script is weak, but it’s kind of funny.  The script conveniently removes the female lead’s parents by having them on vacation.  Their vacation doesn’t accomplish anything else.  After witnessing the death of several of her friends, the female lead gives a statement to the police… and nothing happens.  She’s pestered by a few people about their missing siblings/children, but she doesn’t seem that troubled by these events.  In fact, no one seems to be especially concerned.  The police give a half-hearted investigation, but there doesn’t seem to be any urgency.
    When the creatures show up and attack the big battle of the bands, one of them pulls out a machine gun and sprays bullets into the crowd of teens.  The teens run.  No one seems to be hurt.
    What are these creatures?  What do they want?  Why are they interested in killing?  Motivation is irrelevant.  They just kill because they do.

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