Wednesday, December 10, 2014

212 - Zombeavers

    A bunch of college kids go on a vacation, where they run afoul of a bunch of mutated beavers.
    This movie is exactly what it should be.

    Certain scenes were done in an improv style, which gives a sense of liveliness to things.  The script is crude, but in addition to being crude, it’s unpredictable.  Jokes often fall on a continuum of how obvious a punchline is.  There are usually several perfectly acceptable punchlines to any given setup.  This script avoids those obvious lines, in favor of peculiar lines that I really didn’t see coming.
    I’m pleased that the filmmakers made appropriate judgement calls about where the money they had should go.  The photography is clear and understandable.  The sound is clear and understandable.  The effects are cheap; but not always.  A decision was made to make the mutated beavers mostly hand puppets and practical effects.  There are only a few computer-generated shots that I could identify, and they’re typically done for comedic effect.  There’s a really hilarious shot where they made the actors a different layer from the shot of the room, and the result is that they don’t move quite the right way… the look like they’re a bit smaller than they should be.

    Despite the campy weaknesses, at the core, there’s a real love for some normal zombie movies.  Return of the Living Dead seems to be an obvious influence because of the canister that creates the problem.  Later in the movie, there’s something about boarding up the doors and windows that feels a lot like the original Night of the Living Dead.
    There are two touches that I especially loved.  First, during the end credits, there’s a great theme song for the movie, and second, there’s a post-credits scene that implies that the mutation is spreading to bee, which will obviously lead to Zombees.
    One thing that I did learn during this was that I find tattoos really distracting.  Especially when they’re text.

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