Sunday, July 27, 2014

129 - We Cause Scenes: The Rise of Improv Everywhere

    A documentary about Improv Everywhere, the NY-based performance art organization.
    I like Improv Everywhere, and I’ve been following them for a long time.  While this documentary is fun, it’s a bit dry.  There isn’t that much drama to be had.  The primary weakness is a reduced amount of footage of the actual events.  I would like to see a little more of the meat behind the process.  Coming up with ideas, figuring out how to go about executing them well.  Some more introspective information would be appreciated.
    Instead, I came out of this actually having less appreciation for the way the group is run.  Charlie is not presented as being especially thoughtful about the ethical side of some of his events.  To clarify, I don’t think he is unethical.  But I think his considerations should have gotten a bigger portion of the movie.
    I don’t like his unhappiness with how his appearance on This American Life went.  I haven’t watched his appearance on the TV show in a long time, but I remember his radio appearance very well, and I felt it was incredibly balanced.  It reinforced that the reaction to the event was negative at first, but it changed over time.

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