Wednesday, March 19, 2014

52 - Captain America: The First Avenger

    Captain America is created, then serves his country in pursuit of the Red Skull, an evil mastermind running a Nazi research division, Hydra.
    You know I love this one.
    Captain America is developed perfectly.  He’s actually more likable than he is in the comics.  If there are any failings, it’s that he’s too perfect.  It probably would be useful if he made some kind of mistake.  Maybe his guilt over Bucky’s death?
    I did realize one issue that bugs me.  It’s the logical problems of the last act.  Cap takes a plane that the Red Skull is planning on using to attack NY.  The problem of him being frozen in the Arctic doesn’t make much sense.  Where did he leave from?  What made it unsafe to attempt to land?  Some extra script police could have addressed this issue.

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