Thursday, January 30, 2014

25 - The Human Race

    A collection of people find themselves placed in a race, with a variety of rules.  Breaking the rules results in death.  Whoever wins, survives.
    Really pretty good, despite the limitations.  The budget limits show through, with most of the effects shots being done on the cheap.  The story is strong enough that this problem is trivial.
    The rules are that the contestants must stay on the track.  If they step on the grass, they die.  If they are lapped twice, they die.  The rules declare a few locations as being "safe," but we never get an understanding of what that means.
    The poster for this tries to compare it to Battle Royale, which I haven't seen in a long time.  This is only vaguely similar.  It serves as a metaphor for the problems that mankind has.  Our goal is to get ahead, but the rules typically encourage screwing other people over in order to accomplish that goal.  The entire race is possible to short-circuit by everyone cooperating.  It's nice to see that this approach is attempted, but it only takes a single person to ruin things.
    It's actually a little frustrating, but it's easy to identify with the ideas that this brings up.
    the ending is a bit of an awkward thing.  Some people might be disappointed with it.  I liked it, and I think it explained everything I wanted to know.
    I'm impressed.  The exploding heads might turn some people away, but I actually liked this one.
    I have one gripe, and that's about the photography.  During certain shots and sequences, large portions of the frame were in very fuzzy focus.  In some cases, I understood why.  In others, it seemed like a technical problem.

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