Sunday, January 19, 2014

17 - Butcher Boys

    A group of kids out partying run afoul of an unusual gang, which leads to a long chase, and eventual captivity.
    I was a little bored by the first half of the movie, but I actually felt a little mixed.  While there wasn't much plot, there was at least a mystery of motivation, and there seemed to be enough curiosity generated about what exactly the villains have in mind.
    The bigger problem with the first half is that every single person is terrible.  The teens that are partying are entirely dislikable, and they make decision after decision to make sure that we don't care when they die.  Normally, this should make us feel a little closer to the villains.  Except that the villains are just completely bizarre.  Their behavior is totally unpredictable.
    So there's no one in the movie that I like.
    The second half of the movie gets really weird.  While I felt like I was starting to understand the story at first, the second half throws all the characters into a big pot, and makes them all argue and fight in different combinations.  I came out of it more confused than I should be.
    Then the last act gets really strange, but the insanity of it is much more enjoyable.  It turns into a weird free-for-all in the street.  The main benefit?  After spending about a third of the movie is almost completely dark conditions, we get some well-lit sequences.
    About halfway through this, I started thinking of how much this was borrowing from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  It is, and it's been a long time since I've seen that.  But man, I'm getting sick of this kind of editing.  I shouldn't be so bored and annoyed with cheaply made movies.  Tell a story WELL, don't try to show off your editing skillz.  No one can stand this kind of crap editing.
    Notably, I've read that the script was written by the same person who wrote Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and was intended to be a direct sequel.  Then he rewrote it to be a new franchise.  Really risky move.  I would be amazed if this accumulated a following.

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