Wednesday, April 17, 2013

57 - How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

    A musical covering a window washer's meteoric rise in a fictional company.
    A very well-known title, but I was surprisingly ignorant of the story.  It's very fun.  We never learn what it is that Worldwide Wicket does, and no one seems to do any work, but there's no problem with starting someone in the mailroom and then promoting them to being a junior executive two hours later.
    There is a bit of fat that could be trimmed from this.  I found the romantic subplot to be a distraction.  There's a lot of good humor to be mined, and the romance just made me think of how awkward and forced that was.
    The songs are usually nice, but unremarkable.  I don't think any of them have stuck with me very well.  I suppose that the two most memorable ones are "A Secretary is Not a Toy" and "The Company Way," which was more charming because of the excellent writing for that song.
    One other enjoyable note - Robert Morse, who plays the lead, looks a whole lot like a version of Dave Foley, especially when seen from a distance.

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