Saturday, April 13, 2013

51 - 13 Eerie

    A group of forensic students are set in a wilderness environment to analyze cadavers in a 'natural' habitat.  It turns out that the area they are set in was where some experiments took place, resulting in some strange, zombie-like creatures stalking the students.
    I had read a pretty positive review of this, so that may have heightened my expectations.  It's pretty well-made for being a limited-budget affair, but it's still got something wrong with it.  I'm having a hard time pinpointing it though.
    The kids are under-developed, but that's not much of an issue.  They seem serious, which is actually more enjoyable than the normal sexy-teens-in-the-woods.  They don't over-react to the slaughter, which is really pleasing.  In particular, I liked one scene where two of them are hiding in a small building (a van?  It's hard to tell.) and one of the zombies is wandering around poking at their structure.  Neither of them gasps in horror, they don't have to cover the other's mouth.  They are clearly worried, but they are also in control of themselves.
    The zombies are big, tough, brutal things.  They seem to be partly rotten, but still huge and powerful.  They are able to break up through floorboards.  It's hard to say how fast they are.  Some of them seem pretty quick, other ones seem to be a little more lumbering.  In either case, they don't seem especially frightening.
    There is one main point of contention that I have with the plot.  The professor who has organized this event seems to be reluctant to believe anything.  If he's keeping radio contact with his students, wouldn't a break in that contact be enough to warrant checking in on everyone, and seeking out anyone who didn't check in?
    Still, this was pretty modestly good.  Not great, I'd never seek it out again, but it wasn't terrible.

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