Saturday, April 13, 2013

52 - Paranormal Activity 3

    Dealing with the childhood of the sisters detailed in the first and second movies.
    The formula is effectively the same as the other two - some mild creepiness for awhile, which ramps up to a dark ending.  This one isn't quite as enjoyable as the first two, but it does change up the experience a little.  The effects in this one are great.  They come across as very natural.  This movie also makes a bigger step toward explaining the larger plot - why these girls are being haunted, and exactly what it is they're being haunted by.
    There's a touch more humor to this one.  I can't quite place it, but the kids seem to be more fun than I expected.  Not as whiny.  The one person who comes off poorly is their mother, who seems to refuse to believe anything, and won't watch any of these occurrences that appear on video.
    Like the other Paranormal Activity movies, I don't think I'd bother to watch them more than once.
    This made me think about The Blair Witch Project.  I was more enthralled with that the first time I saw it, but I found it nearly unwatchable on the second time through.  I don't think the problem was that the scare was gone, but it was that there wasn't anything happening through most of the movie.  With these, things are happening.  And the handling is a bit more masterful.  This is more evident in the inclusion of the camera on the oscillating fan base.  This is an incredibly simple idea, but it pays off wonderfully.

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