Saturday, August 16, 2014

145 - Along Came A Spider

    Detective Alex Cross investigates the kidnapping of a senator’s young daughter.
    One of these mystery/thriller movies I would see tiny snippets of on the college TV station.  It’s easy to get this mixed up with Kiss The Girls or The Bone Collector.  These mysteries seem to be mostly interchangeable.
    It’s dated.  It feels very dated.  The music cues feel dated, the direction feels dated, and the weird focus on technology feels dated.
    There’s some remarkably bad effects work near the beginning, which is the absolute worst time for it.  Opening with such weak work makes the whole movie feel cheaper than it probably was.
    The story itself is pretty dull.  I suppose there is a benefit to it - even though there’s a child in peril for most of the movie, she doesn’t get annoying.  (Although she does remain dumb.  She knows that her captor won’t kill her, but she stops running because the captor killed someone else?  I’d rather that the captor was just more skilled.)
    Morgan Freeman is suitably skilled, but never brilliant.  He doesn’t deduce anything especially insightful.  He’s mostly lucky, or he really takes his time figuring things out.

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