Saturday, August 9, 2014

140 - 21 Jump Street

    Two mostly-incompetent cops are put undercover at a high school to find the source of a new illegal drug.
    I had no real interest in seeing this movie, but as I read about the sequel, it sounded more like my kind of thing.  A very self-aware comedy.  Being self-aware is one of the keys to making a comedy work.  And this doesn’t do it quite as much as I’d like, but I suppose that hitting the same note in a comedy is a death sentence.
    This works.  It’s not spectacular, but it’s entertaining.  I did feel like there was an unfortunate flux to the strength of the material.  It started strong, the pinch was good, then it tapered down.  It went back up for the party at the midpoint.  Then it came back down for the first big chase.  The end sequence even had a bit of variation, starting a bit slow, and getting more fun as the payoffs came.
    If there’s any real weakness to this, it’s that Channing Tatum just isn’t a very captivating comedic actor.  I’ve enjoyed some of his other work, so this may have been an issue of how the character was written.
    I look forward to seeing the second one.  It’s nice to find something like this.

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