Tuesday, December 17, 2013

198 - Playback

    A student is making a short film about a series of murders that took place fourteen years ago.  As he digs into the story, links to the past become clear, and the murderer takes possession to strike again.
    Until I wrote that summary, i hadn't considered the influence that The Ring had on this story.  The killer's spirit seems to travel through video (or film) into a new host body.
    The logic of the story needs some work.  The host that is holding this spirit seems to be decaying over the course of a few days.  Transferring to a new body seems to be a process that takes some time to set up.  It doesn't seem like it could be maintained.
    The characters are all pretty interchangeable.  I couldn't care less about most of them.
    The good things.  The makeup on the villain is handled pretty well.  The deterioration of his body comes in slowly, and it isn't a focus.  When you first notice it, you aren't sure if you just didn't notice it earlier.
    There is one scene that stood out for the writing, and that's the scene where Christian Slater, playing a cop, is being seduced by a mind-controlled girl.  I actually liked how professional Slater plays that scene.  He doesn't immediately get tricked into revealing his bad behavior.  He attempts to defuse the situation carefully.  I bought it!
    Sadly, this is really the highlight of the movie.  The rest of it was just pretty dull.
    There is an effort made to build a mythology for the story - that the villain is actually the spirit of the devil, passed down from one generation to another, using photographic means.  Normally this would be a direction I like.  Getting some background does help suck me into the picture.  In this case, it seemed more forced than I would have liked.

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