Wednesday, December 11, 2013

194 - Kill Theory

    A man who pled guilty to cutting his rope while mountain climbing, killing his companions, but saving himself, decides to prove that he only did what others would do.  In order to accomplish this, he forces a group of teens into a situation where only one person must survive the night.
    As I started watching this, I kept feeling like I must have seen this before.  The setup seemed incredibly familiar.  A bunch of horny teens go out to a big, expensive house in the middle of nowhere.  We get to see a gun.  There's a bit of nudity.  Something seemed like it was exactly the same as other movies I've seen.
    This movie does have a few little things to distinguish it.  Mostly, one of the characters is a big, meaty, normal-looking guy.  This is a real pleasure to see.  It's so strange to see this in a movie that there's no clear expectations for the viewer.  I don't know if he shouldn't be trusted, or if he's going to turn out to be the hero.
    The only other remarkable thing is that this does have a downer ending.
    However, this doesn't really matter.  Most of the characters feel interchangeable, even if they do have distinct personalities.  This might be a side effect of the majority of the movie taking place at night, in a dark house, and two female characters that look almost identical to my eye.
    The premise is a little weirdly flawed as well.  The villain has trapped the road on the path off the property.  He's got a sniper riffle.  This would be fine, if the house were a little more isolated.  But it's surrounded by woods, and there are about five or six kids.  Has he laid enough traps to be sure that he could trap all of them?
    It's a bit of shame.  The opening and closing scenes deal with the relationship between the villain and the doctor treating him, and that would have made a much more engaging movie than interchangeable teens turning on each other.

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