Sunday, December 15, 2013

197 - The Wolverine

    Logan is called to Japan by a man he once saved, who offers him the opportunity to lose his "immortality."  After the man dies, Logan finds himself caught in a  power struggle, protecting the deceased's granddaughter.
    I had put off watching this for a long time.  I wasn't dreading it or anything, I just wasn't excited to see it.
    It seems that my feelings were about right.  It's a good movie.  It's not a great one.  It has some weaknesses, but they aren't easy to specify.  Maybe it was that the villains didn't seem to be solidly defined.  Maybe it was the way that the story seemed a little forced, by separating Logan from his powers for a time.  It could have been that I didn't feel like the romantic angle was worthwhile.
    I wish I could say more about this, but it just didn't seem to matter.

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