Wednesday, August 14, 2013

117 - Phase IV

    Some kind of solar - or cosmic - event has a strange impact on Earth.  It triggers some strange change in the way that some ants behave, turning their actions more intelligent.  A pair of researchers are sent into the desert to investigate.
    I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts together on this one.  It's a peculiar movie, with fairly little dialogue, but lots of photography of ants.  It's fascinating.  It moves slowly, but it plays out like some kind of Twilight Zone/Outer Limits type of story.
    At first, I wasn't sure if this was going to turn into a horror movie, but it's much more firmly a sci-fi picture.  The cast is minimal, with most of the movie just taking place between two characters.  There's a third, and then two secondary characters.
    One thing that is very notable about this movie is that it was directed by Saul Bass.  It's the only movie he directed.  He does have an eye for composition.  Despite being released in 1974, with some fairly cheap effects, they don't get in the way of this story.
    I don't know if I could recommend this to too many people.  It's still interesting, and a bit strange.  I'd probably feel better about the movie if it were trimmed down a little.  Maybe if it were chopped down to about an hour, it would be really great.
    Strangely, I kept thinking of Fantastic Planet as I watched this.  I think it was the synthesizer music.

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