Monday, August 26, 2013

124 - Blue Summer

    Two high school friends drive a van around for a week during the Summer, before heading off to college.  They meet lots of girls, and have a variety of adventures.
    I found this on Netflix, and I wasn't sure what to expect.  But it was made in the 70s, which is one of the last decades I need to work on.  And it's not horror, so that's a start.
    I was amazed to find that this was a 70s soft-core porn flick!  While Netflix listed it as not rated, IMDB lists it as being rated X.  While there are long sex scenes, it's clearly soft-core.
    The music is mostly a band called Sleepy Hollow, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were connected to the director in some way.  The music is remarkably fun for stuff that wasn't "big" music.  The direction was competent, but not remarkable in any way.
    The girls were all modestly attractive, but nothing that stood out.
    There are a few special points I'd like to make about this one.  First, it captures a different era very well.  The guys listen to some pretty campy stuff in their van.  They drink beer, lots of it, and lots of it while driving.  You have no idea how strange that looks now.  The second point is something that a lot of the reviews on IMDB have remarked on.  There's an unexpectedly poignant scene in the middle of this, when one of the guys has sex with a middle-aged lady, who has a son his age.  There's some awkward tension here, and it's interesting to see the movie suddenly give one of the female parts some depth.
    Otherwise, there's a hilarious bit where a guy is going down on some girl, and she reaches for, and takes a drink from a can of beer.

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