Friday, August 16, 2013

118 - The Caller

    A recently divorced lady moves into a small apartment, where she starts getting peculiar phone calls from a previous resident.  The phone calls are actually coming from a point in the past.  As the lady in the past talks to her, it turns out that she's crazy.
    I wasn't as thrilled with this as I watched it, but over the last couple hours, I've had better feelings about it.  There have been a few movies that have dealt with characters speaking to someone from another time by telephone (though I can only think of Frequency for some reason.)  I don't have strong feelings about these.  They always feel like a Twilight Zone ripoff, with some heaping of sentimentality as the characters have some kind of epiphany about their lives.
    This movie takes what could have been some trite exploration of lost youth, and turns it into a fairly difficult situation.  The woman in the past is a bit crazy, and decides to take out some sense of being wronged on the girl in the present.  Since they never meet, and the difference in time makes reporting the woman to be impossible, it becomes an impossible kind of problem.  In the past, she has all the power, and can kill or mutilate at will.
    Despite this interesting angle, the story still progresses slowly.  The limited cast betrays the budget, and the storyline involving her ex-husband is uncomfortable to watch.  It's hard to care about a character that doesn't seem to care about herself.
    One tiny little thing.  There's a scene in a grocery store, which is clearly a Foodtown location.  I'm pretty sure that Foodtown is local only to NJ and NY.  This movie was supposedly filmed entirely in Puerto Rico. 

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