Friday, February 1, 2013

13 - The Man Who Laughs

    A surgically disfigured boy grows up to become a famous clown, and discovers this royal heritage.
    This was the 1928 version of the story, which seems to have been filmed many times.  It's based on a story by Victor Hugo.  I wish I could say that I got this, but I really didn't.
    The story seemed reasonably straightforward.  My bigger problem was a common issue with silent films - there's so much dialogue that's being spoken, but we're left to our imagination to fill in the blanks.  But there's an obvious political subtext that I have a hard time understanding.  I also have a hard time with some of the broad ideas in the movie.  Like what it is that Gwnplaine actually does in his act.  It seems to be based around the idea of just letting his face be seen.
    I wanted to see this because his appearance influenced the way that the Joker was designed.  I can see this.  But it's not as dark - or dramatic - as it should be.

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