Sunday, February 3, 2013

15 - North by Northwest

    An organized crime outfit mistakes an advertising man for a secret agent.  After refusing to believe that he isn't with the FBI, the man tracks both the real FBI agent and the criminals across the country.
    I've heard lots of good things about this movie, but I had an impossible time bringing myself to watch it.  I was aware of the crop duster scene, and the climax on Mount Rushmore.  But this is one of Hitchcock's best films.  It's funny, it's tense, there's no sense of how everything is going to resolve.
    In fact, the only thing I can think of that doesn't work is that it might not stand up to repeated viewings well.  And I think if I had seen this as a kid, I wouldn't have liked it as much.  It doesn't have the emotional resonance that Vertigo had.  There are a few points that are a little too slow, but I believe they were used because of Cary Grant's machismo.
    This is the first time I've seen Cary Grant in a movie, and he's hilarious.  It might be because I'm so familiar with Some Like it Hot that I associate his voice with being… comical.
    I have more reservations about Hitchcock's work as I get older.  I see some of his awkward editing, his issues with focus, and some of the effects he used haven't aged well.  Usually I can ignore these, but they seemed a little more glaring in this picture, especially since there are so many real locations.

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