Thursday, February 21, 2013

28 - Skyfall

    James Bond deals with his relationship with M, as well as a former agent bent on getting revenge on M.
    I couldn't resist watching the Blu-ray.  I've been keeping up on a forum discussion about this movie, and there's a very vocal minority that seriously hates this movie.  I thought that my impression of it might change.  Instead, it turns out that I like the movie more than I did the first time.  Most of the more interesting relationship elements play in a more nuanced way than I picked up on during my first viewing.
    There were two things that bugged me during the first viewing.  First, the train crash into the underground chamber, and second, using the flashlight as the pair make their way across the field.  When I knew that the train was coming, it didn't bother me.  It seemed more bombastic, but I think it was just a way of winking at the audience, with a message of "this is what you wanted to see."  If it were intended to be a plot point, Bond could have easily been delayed through other means.
    The second point is a little harder to explain.  During the bit with the flashlight, there's a whole lot of fire and dust being kicked up at the house.  During a few shots, it's made clear that the helicopter is making enough of a dust storm that you can't see outside the immediate area.  I wouldn't be surprised if they thought they were safe.
    What bugs me is that the flashlight wasn't completely needed.  I thought of a way it could have worked without the flashlight.  When the house blows up, the fire sweeps through the tunnel.  Silva would have looked away from the explosion, and seen some of the fire poke out from the end of the tunnel.  That would have drawn his attention to the church.  That's much cleaner, without the need for the flashlight.  This is a small point, but it's a moment that seemed to make some people groan.
    Another sequence that I really like is during the inquiry that M is attending.  This plays out very well, and the action is just about the right style.  I really liked seeing Mallory get into the action, as well as take a bullet for M.  This was very effective at giving him a sense of worth, which pays off when he's promoted at the end.

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