Sunday, January 27, 2013

11 - Dracula

    Count Dracula moves to London from Transylvania, and starts trying to turn Mina into a vampire.  Professor Van Helsing is wise to how vampires work, and he leads the investigation into the Count.
    Despite the massive number of cultural references to this  movie, I've never actually seen this version before.  I've seen plenty of clips.  But nothing gave me a clear sense of what the movie is like.  I've actually seen Nosferatu (1922) several times, but I had no interest in this one.
    This is a remarkably strange movie.  It was modeled on a stage play, and sometimes, that shows.  Most of the performances are a bit over-the-top.  Lugosi is ok, but I don't think I like how silly it all seems.
    The direction isn't especially remarkable.  There are a few shots that have some interesting angles, but there are some very awkward choices.  In particular, there's at least one shot where a character is the only person talking, but he's looking away from the camera (this is probably in order to show someone else looking like they're about to bite him, but even so - it's some awkward blocking.)  The structure of the movie seems completely unpredictable.  The first few scenes - Renfeld arriving at Dracula's castle, the two of them interacting - both go by very quickly, and we never get much instruction on exactly what Dracula is.  That gets covered later.  It's hard to imagine what it would have been like seeing this movie without any idea of what the rules or characteristics of a vampire are.
    There were two lines that I really liked.  One is when Van Helsing exclaims "Dracula is in the house!"  The other is in this exchange-
MINA:  John, look!  The fog's lifting.  See how plain you can
see the stars.

HARKER:  Yes, millions of them.  I've never seen them so close.
Why, it looks as though you could reach out and touch them.
Would you like me to get your hat?  Why, what's the matter?

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