Monday, December 31, 2012

185 - Fletch

      An undercover investigative reporter is commissioned to kill a man.  After looking into the man, he finds a much larger conspiracy at hand, involving drugs, the beach, the police, plane tickets, bigamy, and a plot of land in Utah.
    I remember seeing the case for Fletch in the local video store when I was growing up, and the box was always memorable.  But I never wanted to watch it.  Even after hearing rumors about a forthcoming third Fletch movie, I never was compelled.  Maybe it's just that I haven't cared for Chevy Chase much.
    But I decided that I should see this, and I'm glad I did.  It's an unusual movie.  It's a comedy, but I never felt like laughing out loud.  There are some funny lines, and Chase is entertaining.
    What stood out about this movie was that the plot was much stronger than I expected.  It's an investigation, and it's hard to piece everything together, even as we learn things at the same pace.  I'm not sure how the story would hold up to repeated viewings, but as it is, it would be a fantastic movie if someone like Leslie Nielsen were cast as the lead.
    Also of note - Harold Faltermeyer did the soundtrack.  He's best known for doing the soundtrack for Beverly Hills Cop, specifically the piece Axel F.  This means that the whole soundtrack sounds like that.

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