Wednesday, December 19, 2012

179 - Scarecrow

    Peculiar nerd Lester is bullied by a lot of different people.  After he dies, his consciousness (or something) goes into a nearby scarecrow, which kills a variety of people off.
    For a revenge from beyond the grave movie, this one has a whole lot of problems.
    First, and foremost.  The guy playing Lester looks like he's in his mid-to-late 30s, and is just wearing jeans to look young.  His hairline is receding.  He doesn't look like he's in high school.  This is a common problem in the movie.  Making things even more awkward is the problem that his mother looks like she's younger than he is.
    The guy playing the Sheriff looks like he's within 10 years of his daughter's age.
    The guy playing the farmer seems to be a pretty young guy that they put some dated glasses on to make him look older.
    This goes on.

    Characters don't really make sense.  This is a hard thing to explain, but there are many instances where characters make decisions that are counter to logic.  Some jock is picking on Lester while he's working at his job.  A girl comes over to defend him, and tells the jock to leave him alone.  Lester's boss shows up, and throws the girl out, with the explanation that Lester can handle it.
    There are bizarre lines, and at least two mentions of the word "cock."  This is really pretty rare, and it seems especially strange for a movie that has an absence of nudity.
(The corn rustles)
"Did you hear something?"
"Just the beating of my heart for ya, baby!"
"I'm serious, I think I heard something."
"Ah, it's probably just Chad and Morgan rummaging around."
"Look, Greg, I don't feel good about this."
"Oh, come on.  I'm feeling all crazy and hot and sticky!"

"Look, come on, just give me a little."
"Stop it, Greg."
"Oh, I can't stop now, look at my huge cock!"

    There's a fantastic newspaper headline that appears in the movie-
"Emerald Grove You Take His Own Life- Graduation Procceds as Planned"

    (Yes, it was spelled Procceds in the movie.)
    Most revenge movies have the killer going around killing those who wronged him.  In this case, he seems to target a wide variety of people.  Some good, some bad, and then there are some people that are just puzzling; like we have no idea who they are.  The person who actually killed Lester is not a victim of the scarecrow.

    This is a bad movie, but it was enjoyable for how strange it was.

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