Thursday, May 21, 2015

79 - After

    A guy and a girl wake up from a bus accident as the only occupants of their town.  A giant storm is closing around the borders, and a monster is stalking them.
    I’ve been in a real slump with movies lately.  I’ve seen a few movies that I like this year, and a few that I’m planning on buying.  But I don’t think I’ve been actually impressed with the overall quality of a movie yet this year.  And I watch so much stuff that isn’t good, looking for the little bits of quality that shine through.
    This is one of the first times this year that I’ve found a movie on Netflix that I’m actually impressed with.  It’s a good movie.  It’s solid.  It moves forward, it keeps the audience guessing about what exactly is going on, and as problems are introduced, it isn’t clear how they can go about solving them.  Even the ending is vague, and it doesn’t provide a lot of answers.
    Most interestingly, the movie is primarily two characters.  They don’t get along, but it isn’t played in an Odd Couple way.  It’s played like a pair of people that just don’t have much in common.  They’re mostly just a little annoyed with each other.  The result of this writing is that it’s easy to feel like there’s no real way these two can fall in love.  A romantic subplot is not going to be in the cards.  The handling of this is very fresh, and it’s really a pleasure to see this sort of writing.
    The one thing that I felt was a bit of a letdown was a scene early on.  The female lead is looking around the deserted town.  It’s set to some intense music.  This really felt like an effort to repeat the similar sequence from 28 Days Later.  But I passed that pretty quickly.
    I’m not entirely thrilled with everything that happens, but its really pretty well done.  The first quality surprise of the year.

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