Friday, May 8, 2015

63 - That Thing You Do!

    A garage band records a hit record and enjoys fast success.
    I’m counting this as a first viewing, because this is the first time I’ve seen this cut of the movie.  The original cut of the movie was 108 minutes.  The director’s cut is 149 minutes.  This feels like a completely different movie.
    If I had been more familiar with the original edit, I probably could have pointed out exactly which material was new.  Somehow, the whole thing felt new.  There were still a handful of scenes that I remembered being exactly the same, but there was so much more development of minor plots, little additional lines that fleshed out characters.
    I like the movie much more in this form.  I felt more firmly invested in the characters.  Their fandom for music seemed more completely developed.  I especially liked the addition of the relationship between the bass player and the girl in the girl group.
    I still have two problems with this movie, and they aren’t as serious as they might sound.  First, I don’t feel like there was enough of a development of the relationship between the drummer and Faye.  I don’t know what I expect, because I still pick up on the need for that relationship to happen, but they both seem completely willing to let it pass by.
    The second problem is that Jimmy, the cocky singer, has a happy ending.  He loses the girl, and he loses out on his record deal.  But neither of these things bother him.  Again, I’m not sure what I wanted, but it was something else.

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