Thursday, April 9, 2015

55 - Nine to Five

    Three women, working in an office, deal with a terrible boss.
    I guess I just wanted something a little more lighthearted.  It’s a strong effort to be a comedy, but it didn’t resonate with me.  I wonder if it’s just that the protagonists are female, and I had a hard time identifying with them.  Or maybe it’s that the antagonist is too silly, and it was hard to take him as a legitimate threat.  There’s also a chance that this movie is just too dated for my tastes.
    There is something odd about the movie though.  I didn’t care for it through most of it, but the ending seemed to work.  This is weird.  Normally, I’d have to be invested in the rest of it to care about the ending.
    It might be that the story has the possibility of being a fantastically hilarious farce, but it never reaches the heights it needs to.  It weaves in a certain amount of fantasy, but it always seems too grounded to achieve the hilarity it needs.  There’s a sequence that incorporates animated Disney animals into a fantasy.  But the interaction with those creatures is limited, and they mostly just serve as backing for her fantasy, nothing more.
    There is a very classic feminist angle to the story, something that I could easily imagine seeing in a screwball comedy.  The problem with the feminist angle is that there isn’t much to the relationships between the girls.  Each of them should have an opportunity to grow from the experience, but they never do.  In fact, they seem to start off exactly where they began.  They’re right, but they just get an opportunity to demonstrate it.  And they rid themselves of their antagonist.
    So it doesn’t work the way it should, but it isn’t terrible.  I wouldn’t ever want to see it again, but I wonder how well it resonates for female viewers.

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