Thursday, April 9, 2015

53 - Carrie

    After being picked on in the girls shower, Carrie White discovers and harnesses her telekinetic powers to exact revenge.
    It’s a rare thing for me to say this, but…
    This remake was unnecessary.
    Normally, I like to see competing visions of the same material.  I love listening to covers of songs, and I’m very forgiving of missteps, as long as it comes across as a new idea.  And that’s where this movie falters.  Most of the movie is almost identical to the 1976 movie.  Not the same script, or the same shots.  What it feels like is a little confusing.  It’s almost like someone took an outline of the original script, then rewrote it to fit it into modern times.  The structure is almost the same.  There are minor differences - like uploading the video of Carrie in the shower.  Most of the scenes play out exactly like you remember.  Specific lines are still in place.  The differences are usually trivial, and don’t offer any new insight or development.
    Some of the changes are minor, but wind up hurting the movie.  In particular, Carrie controls her powers using her hands for emphasis.  This is far less creepy, and it makes things a little comedic.  It also turns her into less of a victim, and more of a villain.  Part of the idea is that she is not in control of her rage.  Watching her move her hands around turns her into an active participant in the things she does.  This turns the character from a tragic monster to just a vengeful teen.
    Another problem is that the actress playing Carrie is just too attractive.  She’s not hot or anything, but she doesn’t have the same awkwardness that Spacek had.

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