Sunday, April 5, 2015

49 - X-Men: Days of Future Past

    In a dystopian future, the surviving X-Men attempt a last-ditch effort to send Wolverine’s consciousness back to the past, hoping to change the future.
    I know that I liked this when I saw it in theaters, and I’ve been looking forward to watching it again.  I’ve still got some mixed feelings.  If anything, I feel a little more conflicted than I did about First Class.
    There are fun moments, there are some clever writing bits.  The action is generally good.  I love the period costuming.  There’s still some very good use of powers, which is something I really love.  When the characters in Avengers use their abilities in tandem with others, it’s very satisfying.  The first instance I can think of that used this was actually Spider-Man 3, near the end.  But there’s something that doesn’t work when it happens in this movie.  I don’t know if it’s how poorly defined some of the powers are (it doesn’t help that this is the first time we’ve seen some of these characters) or how these sequences are shot in mostly dark settings.
    The inclusion of the new characters doesn’t seem exciting, either.  Blink, Bishop, Warpath, Sunspot… and Ink (who I just had to look up.  Introduced in 2008?  Please, classic characters first.)  It almost comes across like there was an effort to include unique looking characters for toy purposes.  I even preferred the massive number of characters in The Last Stand, since that at least made sense.
    The plot isn’t bad at all, and it plays better the second time through.  I felt like Magneto’s plan and motivation was more clearly executed.  But I also realized that Wolverine doesn’t even have to be there for most of the story.  He kicks it off, and he gets Professor X over his weakness, but near the end, he’s incapacitated, and the remainder of the story plays out without his involvement.

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