Friday, June 28, 2013

95 - Cemetery Man

    The caretaker of a cemetery has been dealing with the problem of the dead returning a few days after their burial.  He encounters a woman that he falls madly in love with, who returns after her death a few times.
    The movie doesn't lend itself to summary well, because it's a strange, philosophical horror movie.  Actually, I don't know if it's horror.  There are some horror elements, but most of the picture is devoted to an exploration of the main character's relationship to the living, the dead, and love.
    There's a lot of strangeness in this movie.  The girl he loves appears three times, under different identities.  His assistant falls develops a relationship with the decapitated head of a girl.
    While the story can be hard to get into, it's still shot wonderfully.  There's a look to the picture that is unlike most American productions, especially given how much material is shot in the dark.
    I like this movie quite a bit, but I have a hard time suggesting it to anyone but horror fans who want something unexpected.

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