Saturday, May 18, 2013

72 - Men in Black 3

    A time-traveling alien assassin goes back in time and kills Agent K in 1969.  Agent J goes back in time to save his partner, and prevent an overall invasion of Earth.
    Normally I'm a pretty big fan of time travel stories.  They offer lots of opportunities for clever writing.  And in this case, there are a few nice touches.  But overall, it's a pretty weak outing.
    I don't know exactly what I thought of the first two movies.  I think I remember a few good moments, but a lot of it played out in a way that I can't recall.  In fact, I don't think I can remember anything specific about the second movie.  I'm not sure why I would expect to like the third one better.  Maybe I'm just a sucker for aliens.
    There are a few nice touches.  The idea of the alien who can see alternate realities is a fascinating idea, and one that could result in a much more interesting plot.
    But there's this vibe that floods the movie, and I found it very distracting.  I thought that the premise was that there were plenty of aliens around, but they all remained in disguise, and until they did something or other, they would remain human-looking.  In this movie, the aliens seem to be all over the place, and don't seem to hide especially carefully.  This is worst during the chinese restaurant scene early on.
    To give the movie some heart, a lot of the picture tries to focus on the relationship between the agents.  This is an entirely appropriate idea, but it just doesn't work for me.  I guess it would help if I felt like the characters were ones that I cared about, which would rely on the other two movies being better.

    So I don't hate this movie.  But it's just not that great.  And I will forget it within a day or so.
    Also, the amount this movie was tailored for 3-D is terrible.

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