Sunday, August 12, 2012

126 - Teen Wolf

    An unremarkable teen finds himself changing into a werewolf.  He uses this ability publicly, and becomes a hero on the school's basketball team.
    I knew this was a comedy.  And I like Michael J. Fox, he's easy to like.  But this is a really strange movie.  It's packed with fairly memorable moments.  And some of the script is really clever.  But there's something strange about the script.  The conflicts in the movie seem trivial.  They're so insignificant that it's hard to understand what the point of the movie is.  We reach the last act of the film without any real sense of conflict.  The issues at hand:
1 - He should embrace being himself, not the wolf.
2 - He should decide to be with the right girl, not the jerk.
3 - There's the basketball championship game.
    But all three of those seem like forgone conclusions.  They've been set up throughout the picture.
    But the good stuff.  The writing is good.  There are a lot of one liners that feel clever, and reasonably fresh.  I especially liked the first conversation with the coach.
    There are a lot of scenes that try to draw parallels between adolescence and becoming a werewolf.  This is a fun angle, if a little predictable.
    The one big issue that makes the movie seem really strange is that no one seems to think it's strange that there's a werewolf.  No one seems to feel threatened by the presence of a creature like this.  The impression that they give is that werewolves are rare, but really pretty cool.

    It's worth seeing, mostly as a time capsule of the '80s.

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