Saturday, August 4, 2012

121 - Haywire

    A secret agent is framed, and tries to figure out why she's been framed, who is responsible, and how to put an end to it.
    Directed by Steven Soderbergh, it's probably on the upper half of his oeuvre.  It's an action movie, but it's not like any other action movie I've seen.  When the characters fight, there isn't any music.  There aren't fast cuts, but there are moderately paced cuts.  This gives the fights more gravity, and they feel as difficult as real fighting is.  With the Bourne movies, the speed of the cutting, combined with the fluidity and cleverness of the actions, made those feel a little more superhuman.  Here, the action feels entirely human.
    There are some problems.  The plot doesn't feel like enough to sustain an entire movie.  The amount of plot covered should have only reached the midpoint of the movie.
    But this is an action movie shot the way I wanted it to be done.
    The response to the movie on IMDB is pretty split.  Some people realized that it handled the action realistically.  The other half think the action was really fake, because they were expected it to play like every other action movie they've seen.
    I admire this movie, because it's a different approach.  But I wonder how well it stands up to repeated viewings.

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