Sunday, July 29, 2012

119 - The Dark Knight Rises

    Eight years after The Dark Knight, Gotham is enjoying an organized-crime-free existence.  Batman has been out of the picture since the events of The Dark Knight, and Bruce Wayne has become a recluse.  A new villain arrives in town, with a plan to finish what the League of Shadows started back in Batman Begins.
    Much like the other Nolan Batman movies, it's nearly impossible to summarize them.  It's a very complex story, and it ties in closely to both of the other movies.
    This makes me a feel a little mixed about this one.  I really enjoyed it.  And I probably will like it even more over time.  The primary weakness to this movie is that it can't stand without the other two very well.  This is a problem with Return of the Jedi as well.
    There are other, small things.  Early in the movie, we hear that Wayne's legs and arms are in bad shape, among other things.  We see him use a brace-type thing to get around the weaknesses in his joints.  This doesn't feel right.  If he had gotten an operation to fix the problems with his joints, that would be much more believable.
    Personally, I walked around on a torn ACL for several months, maybe a year.  It would periodically feel better, but then it would give out.  In between the time I first had it looked at, and when the operation finally took place, my bones really tore up my cartilage.  So I have a sense of what it's like to have bad joints.  And I know, that despite any brace technology Wayne has, it would hurt, and cause massive damage, to hit anyone with those limbs.
    This might be why the fight sequences didn't feel like they had the same smoothness to them.  I liked seeing the amount of wrestling and grappling that was going on, but… I dunno, I guess I just liked to see Batman being a little more agile.

    None of this is to say that the movie is bad.  It's very good.  The story weaves together wonderfully.  I think the complexity of Nolan's movies is a double-edged sword.  They make it harder to appreciate the movie the first time through, but it makes the movie feel like a work of genius as you delve into the nuances and layers.

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