Sunday, May 18, 2014

84 - Phone Booth

    A moderately sleazy publicist finds himself trapped in a phone booth by a sniper, who dictates instructions to him over the phone.
    This is one of those movies that I’ve heard about for awhile, and never been able to get myself to watch.  It’s good.  For a premise that doesn’t seem like it should be sustainable, the story moves along very briskly.  It’s well-written, and even though it stays in the same place for most of the movie, it never feels stale.
    The direction is good.  I have no idea how much planning went into it, but it never feels like the movie repeats itself.  There are a variety of visual tricks that keep it from feeling like you’re seeing the same thing.
    I guess the only thing that might bother some people is the lack of motivation that we get for the villain.  It doesn’t bother me though.  The guy is just playing a game.

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