Wednesday, September 18, 2013

140 - Tabloid

    A strange documentary about Joyce McKinney, who starred in a strange tabloid saga during the end of the 70s.
    I don't think I ever got wildly enthusiastic about this movie as I was watching it, but it's certainly the strangest documentary I've watched this year.  The story starts off with a mildly strange story, of this girl arranging to try to spring her Mormon fiancé from his missionary work in England.  After causing a stir with this story, the tabloids dig up more information on her past, which implies some S&M escorting work.  Then the last part of her story involves that she had a favorite dog of hers cloned.
    While she's the common thread to the movie, it feels like it's going everywhere.  And the more I hear any of these people talk, the less I believe any of them.  Joyce appears to exaggerate, the tabloid representatives are probably omitting pieces of information, and probably exaggerating others.  By the end, it's easy to feel like you've heard too much to piece together the truth.  But it also raises the question - in this case, does the truth matter?
    I don't think it does.  In a weird way, it's a lot like watching JFK was.  Nothing is quite solidly believable, but there's something going on, and the end result is still the same, no matter what you believe.

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