Tuesday, September 10, 2013

132 - From Within

    In a small, religious town, an epidemic of suicides starts.  Some people believe that they are caused by an outcast family that does not believe.  A girl investigates.
    I was looking for a fun, dark horror movie.  I've been a little disappointed with how slow most of them tend to be, and I wanted something lively.  I've actually been thinking about re-watching Dawn of the Dead, but I've resisted, in favor of watching something new.
    So, this still disappoints in the sense that it doesn't move along as fast as I wanted.  But it's still reasonably paced.  The lighting is a bit subdued.  Otherwise, there's a very Twilight Zone feel to a lot of the movie.  The strangeness of how much religion runs the town is interesting.  It's not over-the-top, like a Children of the Corn scenario.  It's not as overdone as the lady in The Mist.  There's a casual community acceptance of over religious behavior, as well as a community acceptance of using religion as a blunt instrument.
    Things remain fairly slow as the pieces come together.  While much of the middle of the movie is spent setting things up, it still ends pretty well.  And the ending actually does have a Twilight Zone-like angle to it.  Very pleasing.
    There's one element that actually makes this movie stand out, and it's montage that we see over the credits.  We get a bleak ending, and it doesn't just leave us with the knowledge that things are going to get worse.  We get to see things get worse.  It's very satisfying.

    What's odd is that, even with all these religious messages, it doesn't come across as a movie with a particular agenda.  Maybe the message is that any belief system can be dangerous if it's misused.  Not too bad.

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