Friday, July 26, 2013

106 - Reefer Madness

    A 30s propaganda film that warns of the dangers of marijuana use.
    This is a legendary title that I've had plenty of opportunity to see, but never had the motivation.  I've never been into pot, but occasional stoner comedies can be enjoyable.  In this case, most of the fun comes from how ridiculous the movie is.  There's an effort to make pot seem as dangerous as possible, at the expense of being believable.
    I wonder about the reception that the movie would have from a person who didn't have any knowledge of the actual effects of pot.  The portrayal here involves manslaughter, running over a pedestrian, a suicide, and insanity.  There's no indication of the actual effects of smoking pot - mostly laziness and hunger.  But without the broad knowledge that our culture has, I wonder how believable it would be.
    The acting and direction is hard to evaluate, given the propaganda angle.  It's not the sort of thing that was intended to make an artistic statement.  When people are directed to do things that are over-the-top, it's hard to say if they're a good actor or not.
    It's an interesting relic, but it's not for me.

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