Monday, November 19, 2012

166 - Deadfall Trail

    Three guys go into the wilderness on an extreme camping trip - very few supplies, and no directions.  Two of the guys have done this before.  It's the first trip for the third guy.  After an accident happens in the woods, it's down to two of them to try to care for the other.
    This is another of the cheap movies I got on one of the 8-movie DVDs.  And this one has a 4.1 on IMDB.  But I'm glad to say that it's pretty decent.  It's shot fairly well.  It's technically competent, except that the dialogue has a hard time competing with the soundtrack.  It would also help if the disc had subtitles.
    Part of what made this movie interesting was the structure.  It actually took a long time for the first major event to happen - a bit over half an hour.  Then it still didn't move forward until a bit past an hour.  This could be trimmed down without losing anything important, but the unusual pacing actually helps make the movie less predictable.  It's unclear how anything is going to work out, making the whole picture much more compelling.
    I wish I could say that the movie had something interesting to say, but it didn't seem to break any new ground.  There wasn't much of a sense of horror to it.  Most of it was mild drama, but maybe a touch of thriller to it.
    Still, for a movie that cost me about $0.63, I'd say it was pretty good.

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