Friday, October 5, 2012

151 - The Avengers

    Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the Hulk are brought together by Nick Fury, to address the threat caused by Loki stealing the Tesseract.
    I didn't want this movie to be the one that I matched last year's record with, especially since I've been trying to watch more movies for the first time.  But Downfall, which will probably be next on my list, Cathy wants to watch as well.  So I substituted this.
    And man, it's better than I remember.  For a movie of this scale, there are usually some parts where it's easy to just tune out, and not actually pay attention.  On a second viewing, I found that this was still packed very tightly.  There's no fat on this one.  At least, no fat that isn't delicious.
    I also watched the gag reel, the deleted scenes, and listened to the commentary on this.  All of those are worthwhile.  Stan Lee had a different cameo that was trimmed, but I really loved that one.  I found the commentary smoothed over some of my doubts about the movie.  Whedon is a nerdy guy, but he's also remarkably clear about how little responsibility he has for the quality of the movie.  He tosses out a lot of praise for a bunch of editors for handling the story, and making it come together in a way that made sense.  He doesn't take credit for things that other people did that he kept.  He also reiterated how awkward the process for making the movie was - that they had to start filming before they finished a script.
    I'll probably see this again before the year is out.  It's so much fun.

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